Accident and Emergency Care

Accidents are unprecedented phenomena that can happen anytime anywhere without an inkling of its occurrence. Accidents could be minor and serious both but they need immediate address otherwise they turn fatal. Every day hundreds and thousands of accidents occur across the globe due to road accident, sports related injury and accidents, fall from height, burns, and industrial accidents. Whatever the cause, all accident victims require emergency treatment so the best available option is to transfer them to a hospital facility to attend their wounds and injuries. Emergency Medical services (EMS) team deployed in the hospitals aims at providing the best care to the accident victims by attending them on the spot and at the hospital.

Accident and Emergency Care Department of the hospitals are run by specialised doctors and efficient paramedics who besides attending the victims with care arrange for the ambulance for the transportation of the victims to the nearby hospital. Accident and Emergency Care Department thus is dedicated to the service of the accident victims to give them new lease of life.

Patients suffering from heart and lung ailment, cancer diseases, and other serious ailments often require emergency care and treatment and need to be hospitalised under Accident and Emergency Care Department. The doctors and nurses of the particular department are at service round the clock to assure the best treatments to such critically ill patients too.

Accidents and Emergency Care Department of a command hospital offers treatment to the war victims and the soldiers who receive injuries, severe or minor in an encounter. Therefore, the Accidents and Emergency Care Department of a hospital is the centre of primary care where the emergency patients and accident victims are first attended.

Accidents and Emergency Care at Suresh Hospital, Bangalore

With an aim to serve the people with empathy, compassion and care, we at Suresh Hospital, Bangalore started our journey in 2008. Already we have earned a name on our own by means of providing the best services to the patients of all ages. Suresh Hospital has a wonderfully crafted Accidents and Emergency Care Department that attends accident victims and seriously ill patients starting from infants, children, adolescents to adults 24x7. Our state-of-the-art Accidents and Emergency Care Department is equipped with all kinds of modern tools and equipment’s to facilitate the treatment procedures. Our trauma care team comprises of trauma surgeons, neurosurgeons, orthopaedic surgeons, physiotherapists, psychiatrists and nurses. All our learned doctors, nurses and other paramedics are extremely efficient and are vowed to give their best. They are ever ready to go an extra mile to alleviate the pain and sufferings of the patients. Our multi-disciplinary doctors and specially trained nurses are available round the clock. No sooner an accident victim or a critically ill patient does arrive at our hospital than our nurses and doctors assess the intensity of the injury and the patient’s condition and transfer him to the Resuscitation Bay without wasting a single moment. In Resuscitation Bay the patients are immediately intervened to stabilise their condition. We have special arrangements for carrying out X-Ray, CT scan and MRI to assess the internal injuries and their intensity in order to start the right course of treatment for speedy recovery. We also have a 24x7 ambulance service that reach anywhere in and around Bangalore in case of an emergency.

Types of Services Provided at Accidents and Emergency Care Department

Patients who experience sudden heart attack, stroke, acute breathing trouble, excruciating pain in stomach, and trauma are treated at the Emergency Care department before shifting to the specific department. Besides, the accident victims due to automobile and industrial accidents, fall and burn are attended in the Accidents and Emergency Care Department. Often accidents cause major trauma and these patients require special care and attention. The specialised Trauma Care department looks after such severely injured patients. Our doctors are specially trained in the principles of Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) to render the best possible treatments to the accident victims. Applying their expertise they stop profuse bleeding from the wounds, rectify the bone fractures and arrange for life support etc. They work in coordination with the other doctors, nurses, physiotherapist and other health care professionals. Fatality can be evaded if the victims can be provided critical care within the ‘golden hour’.

Below is a list of Accidents and Emergency Care services provided at Suresh Hospital
  • Severe bleeding that cannot be stopped.
  • Fits and other Neurological emergencies like Stroke / Paralysis and neuro infection.
  • Loss of consciousness.
  • Poisoning due to Snake bite , insecticide / pesticide poisoning and drug overdose.
  • Breathing difficulties like Asthma and Lung infection
  • Sports injuries
  • Head and spinal cord injuries
  • Paediatric emergencies
  • Industrial accidents
  • Burns due to a fire accident
  • Road accident multiple injuries
  • Injuries due to a fall from a height
  • Abdominal emergencies like Appendicitis and pancreatitis
  • Pregnancy related emergencies such as Eclampsia , ectopic pregnancy and abortions etc.
  • Endocrinal emergencies like Diabetes and thyroid related emergency
  • Urological emergencies such as Renal/ Ureteric stones and urinary retention etc.
  • Some Treatments and Procedures done at Suresh Hospital

    Accident and Emergency Department of Suresh Hospital and its facilities and infrastructure. Using the most modern technology and equipment’s the proficient doctors perform some of the critical care treatment procedures like

  • Basic and Advanced life supports – Trauma
  • Non-Invasive ventilation – AVPAP / BiPAP / CPAP
  • Fracture and Dislocation reduction , POP application and Immobilization
  • Digital nerve blocks
  • Procedural sedation and analgesia
  • Wound management
  • Incision and Drainage of simple abscess
  • Trauma Ultrasound
  • Basic Emergency Ultrasound – abdomen / lung
  • Basic screening cardiac scan
  • Ultrasound guided procedure
  • Fluid tapping within the abdominal cavity etc.
  • With all the facilities under one roof, Suresh Hospital Bangalore has changed the entire paradigm of health care system. For any kind of emergency and accident issues trust our holistic and dedicated services blindly.