Brain aneurysm happens in case of a weak spot developing in the brain’s arterial wall and the section fills with blood. It could also be called a cerebral aneurysm or intracranial aneurysm.

This condition is potentially life-threatening and can affect a person of any age group. In case of a burst of cerebral cells, it is definitely a situation of emergency and can result into a stroke, damage of the brain, and eventually even death in case not immediately attended.

Not all brain aneurysms rupture. An estimate says, about 50 to 80 percent of the aneurysms never rupture in the entire lifetime of person. A fraction of 30,000 people in the USA suffer rupture of aneurysm in a year, where only 40 percent are fatal.

A brain aneurysm could take several forms. About 90 percent are berry or saccular, where a sac is formed outside of the artery and looks like that of a berry. Then there is fusiform aneurysm, a rather unusual kind that causes a bulge in artery all around. Also, dissecting aneurysm is a tear in one of the artery’s linings. It could leak blood to the other cell layers or cause arterial block.


Certain events accentuate development of aneurysm or rupture in our brain. The following conditions have been held responsible for the rupture of existing aneurysm:

  • Excessive soda or coffee intake
  • Strain or pain during passing bowel
  • Intense or mad anger
  • Excessive workouts
  • Sexual intercourse

Certain aneurysms grow over a person’s lifetime, while some are found to be inherited, and some others end up due to injuries. Any kind of traumatic injury of the brain could tar the tissue further create dissecting aneurysm. Also, a serious kind of infection in our body could lead to aneurysm in case there is artery damage due to infection.

Who could get brain aneurysm?

This condition could affect anybody, but people suffering from artery hardening are at a higher risk of getting brain aneurysms. The common age group where people have been commonly found attacked by brain aneurysm is between 35 years and 70 years. Women after menopause are generally found highly susceptible to aneurysms due to low count of estrogen. Also, in cae aneurysm is found in your immediate family, you may run a risk of having the same.

Certain other factors that could cause aneurysms maybe older age, drug abuse particularly cocaine, alcohol, head injury, congenital issues, malformation at the cerebral arteriovenous system, and coarctation (a condition where the aorta narrows down.


This medical condition is unpredictable also it may not show any kind of symptoms until the rupture occurs. Ruptured or large aneurysms would usually show start and specific symptoms and call for immediate medical attendance.

The symptoms plus the warning signs of any kind of aneurysm differs on the basis of its rupture. Symptoms of unruptured brain aneurysm include heavy headache or shooting pain above or behind the eye, which could be severe or mild, blurred or in certain cases double vision, dizziness, seizures, and visual deficits. In case you suffer from aneurism that is leaking, you could only feel sudden and severe headache.

Suresh Hospital’s Treatment

The medical team dealing with aneurism is well aware that unless aneurism ruptures, it could be difficult diagnosis. Hence, doctors use some tests so that aneurisms in patients could be located in people with hereditary condition of the disease, inherited risk factors, and other health issues.

Using CT scans and MRI, the doctors identify if the person has the condition, if it is dangerous, if it is at risky state, etc. Based on the test and diagnosis, surgeries and post operative procedures are conducted.