Eczema or atopic dermatitis is a common skin disease that makes the skin feel irritated. Eczema may happen when the skin layers fail to prevent the skin from foreign elements like allergens. Doctors may mention it as an atopic ‘Triad’. Triad means three, the atopic dermatitis is accompanied by asthma and hay fever. The word ‘Atopic’ is referred to a person’s tendency towards allergy. Eczema is a chronic skin condition and non-contagious by nature.

Symptoms of Atopic Dermatitis

Symptoms of Eczema may include

  • Dry, itchy skin
  • Severe itching at night
  • Brownish-grey patches on chest, knees. Elbows, ankles, hands, feet, eyelids
  • Scalp and face are affected in infants.
  • Small bumps and blisters may leak fluid while scratching rashes.
  • Eczema causes cracked and scaly skin.

Types of Eczema, or Atopic Dermatitis

  • Hand eczema- it affects the hands. It occurs due to exposure to elements that may cause allergy. Substances like alcohol, bleach, cleansers trigger itching and inflammation.
  • Contact dermatitis: it occurs through direct contact with foreign elements that can trigger allergic conditions.
  • Dyshidrotic dermatitis: this tiny, fluid-filled, blisters are also known as seasonal allergies. Chronic eczema appears on palms and feet. It lasts about three weeks.
  • Nummular Eczema: it occurs due to burning and insect bites.
  • Seborrheic Dermatitis: It occurs with lots of oil glands. Dandruff is an example of seborrheic dermatitis.

When to see a doctor:

  • when natural remedies stop working.
  • Uncomfortable conditions
  • Intensely itching, especially at night.
  • Skin infection occurs due to scratching.
  • Fluids are dripping from the skin.

Complications and skin infection

Bacterial Infections: risks may occur due to scratching eczema. The skin effects by bacteria, and infection begins. Bacterial infections may include:

  • Dripping fluid from the skin.
  • Feeling hot and unwell.

Viral skin infections: risks may occur when the eczema is infected with herpes simplex virus. This condition is called eczema herpeticum.

Symptoms of  viral skin infections may include:

  • The eczema becomes painful and the condition gets worsen if not treated immediately.

Doctors may prescribe antiviral medicines like acyclovir to reduce the pain of eczema herpeticum.

Sleeping problems: problems in sleeping is common in eczema patients. It may affect moods and behaviors.

Eczema, or Atopic Dermatitis Diagnosis

Doctors may diagnose eczema and prescribe skin allergy tests. The tests may include:

  • Antibody Testing with ELISA:  doctors suggest food allergies and environmental allergies to the patients. Allergy antibodies evaluate the IgG and IgE levels by using ELISA( Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent ASSAY)
  • Elemental Analysis: toxic and nutrients elements in the blood levels are examined by collecting hair and blood samples.
  • Essential and Metabolic Fatty Acid Analysis: deficiency in essential fatty acids may cause eczema. The essential and metabolic fatty acid analysis evaluates the fatty acid imbalances during nutritional therapy.
  • Thyroid assessment: abnormalities in the thyroid gland may cause dry skin and can be the reason for eczema.


  • Moisturizing the skin with lotion, moisturizers at least twice a day to prevent dryness. Petroleum jelly is good for baby’s skin. It may prevent atopic dermatitis.
  • Things that may affect the skin condition like soaps, detergents, dust, pollen, obesity should be avoided.
  • Using warm water rather than cold and hot.
  • Mild soaps are good for the skin.

Elements that transporting Eczema:

  • Saliva
  • Hormonal Changes
  • Exercise
  • Stress

Suresh Hospital’s Allergy and Immune System

Allergy is an inflammation and irritation of the skin. Allergen causes allergy. There are different types of allergies, the most common of them are hay fever, eczema, hives, seasonal rhinitis. Symptoms are itching, swelling, red eyes, runny nose. Some common allergens are dust, pollen. We Suresh Hospitalra have all the requisite facilities. We have highly equipped labs to perform the tests that are needed for the patient. Our experienced and qualified technicians and nurses assist the doctors constantly in the allergy ../department.