People with lupus usually come complaining of muscle pain and aches (myalgias) or they complain of certain muscle group inflammation (myositis). These conditions cause weakness and loss of energy or strength. Above 90 percent of the people complaining of lupus experience muscle or joint pain at some point of their illness. Above 50 percent of the people with lupus symptoms mention their first symptom as joint pain.
Muscle tenderness and muscle pain, mainly in increased levels of activated disease state, occur with almost 50 percent of the patients suffering with lupus. There may be different symptoms with different causes. Each symptom comes with a separate set of treatment, so it is better for the physician to decide what treatment should be administered to the patient depending on the symptom.
There are several reasons behind lupus pain, like the body responding to some kind of inflammation, from a myositis or muscle atrophy.
This is one of the most common reasons behind muscle ache or pains. Any time when there is major inflammation (hepatitis, strep throat, cancer, heart attack, lupus, etc.) there are often signs and symptoms like sweats, fever, fatigue, chills, loss of weight, and several types of weaknesses, pains, and aches. These non-diagnostic, non-specified symptoms are the signs that your body is unable to cope with the ongoing overwhelming process. As lupus happens to be inflammatory, it has the tendency to cause any of these patterns of diseases.
Arthritis of lupus
If you are suffering from lupus arthritis, you will experience stiffness, pain, swelling, warmth and tenderness in your joints. The most widely affected joints are the ones far away from the body’s middle section, like wrists, elbows, fingers, toes, ankles, and knees. The main feature with lupus arthritis is general stiffness when one wakes up, something that gradually improves with the passing of the day. However, one could feel pain in the joints as the day advances. There are several joints usually involved, and the ay kind of inflammation or pain would affect similar joints on all sides of the body.
When one compares with rheumatoid arthritis, lupus arthritis can be less disabling and has less likelihood of causing joint destruction. Less than 10 percent of people having lupus arthritis get on developing feet and hand deformities and hence, cartilage and bone weakness.
Muscle atrophy could happen in case the arthritis gets chronic.
Myositis of Lupus
Certain population develops lupus myositis, where the inflammation in skeletal muscles cause weakness followed by no or minimum strength. This myositis mostly affects the muscles that are attached to your upper arms, shoulders, thighs, pelvis, and neck and come with the early symptoms of difficulty in climbing stairs and sitting and getting up from chairs. The advanced symptoms may include doing daily works, even simple things like brushing you teeth or combing your hair.
Muscles weakness that is drug induced
When one undergoes treatment under lupus or other related health conditions, the side effect could be muscle infection and weakness, including corticosteroids and prednisone are some drugs that bring these conditions. Stopping or adjusting the drugs that cause muscle weakness can bring about improvement of muscle strength.
Suresh Hospital’s Lupus Arthritis Treatment
at Suresh Hospital, we have a number of specialists treating bone, muscle and joints inflammation and illnesses related to tat. Our ../department has a number of separate units to treat individually lupus arthritis and other form of arthritis. We have a lot of expert nurses, ward boys and physicians who help in proper diagnosis followed by treatment and post therapeutic assistance and guidance. We have both online and live booking facilities for the patients and a well equipped lab that takes care of all the needs. Capable of a complete cure for almost all types of arthritis if not in the advanced stage, Sureshboasts of a team that is caring and efficient.