Psoriatic arthritis is one a clinical condition where swollen joints and sore joints due to arthritis is combined with psoriasis. Due to psoriasis there is itching, scaly patches in red appearing on scalp and skin. Psoriatic arthritis is one autoimmune disorder, which happens when the immune system of a human body attacks the healthy tissues accidentally. Psoriasis most of the time affects the skin and joints of the body that swell, become stiff and painful. If the condition is not treated, it could result into inflammation and may also damage the tissues and joints.

Five types of psoriatic arthritis exist:

Symmetric type affects on both sides of the same joints, like the right and left knees. The symptoms are the same as that of rheumatoid arthritis. However, symmetric psoriasis seems milder than rheumatoid arthritis and comes with less deformity of the joints. Yet this type of psoriasis can be equally disabling.

Asymmetric psoriasis

This affects only one side of the joint of your body. Here, the joints can feel sore and gradually turn red. The asymmetric psoriasis is usually mild. It affects almost 35 percent of the people suffering with psoriasis.

Distal interphalangeal predominant psoriasis

This kind involves pain and swelling in joints adjoining the nails. These joints are known as distal joints and occur with almost 10 percent people suffering from psoriasis.

Spondylitis Psoriasis

This kind of psoriasis involves the spine, where the entire spine of the individual, from lower back to neck may get affected.  This could make movement really painful. Along with the spine, the feet, legs, hips, and arms may also get affected.

Psoriatic arthritis mutilans

This is one serious kind of deforming psoriasis. Almost 5 percent of the people suffering with psoriasis have this particular kind. This arthritis mostly affects the hand and feet. It could also cause pain in your lower back and knees.

Symptoms of psoriatic arthritis

The symptoms of psoriatic arthritis are different for every individual. They could mild and also severe. Sometimes, your condition goes into remission and for a certain while you feel better. There are also times when your symptoms may become worse. Your symptoms also depend on what kind of psoriasis you are suffering from.

There are certain general symptoms that identify psoriasis. These are:

  • The tender joints are swollen either on one or both the sides of the body
  • Stiffness in the morning
  • Swollen toes and fingers
  • Painful tendons and muscles
  • Skin patches that get scaly that gets worse as the joint pain aggravates
  • Fatigue, flaky scalp, pitting in the nails, nails getting separated from the nail bed
  • Redness of the eyes, uveitis

If someone is suffering from spondylitis psoriasis, there could also be the following symptoms:

  • Stiffness with spinal pain
  • Hips, joints, ankles, knees, feet, etc. regions could experience weakness, swelling, and pain
  • With psoriatic arthritis your joints are deformed and reduce the size and shape of your toes and fingers.

Causes behind psoriatic arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis runs through generations. More than 40 percent of the population suffering from this condition come with a history of one or more in the family suffering with it. There are some elements within our environment that triggers this disease for all those who develop the tendency of developing psoriatic arthritis. It could range from extreme stress, any injury, or a virus.

Suresh Hospital’s Treatment of Psoriatic Arthritis

At Suresh Hospital, we give personal treatment to each and every patient, taking them through an elaborate and intricate process of tests, diagnosis, followed by treatment procedures. It could also include physiotherapy and other cold and heat compression therapies apart from the general trend that is followed across the medical fraternity.